Product Igeho 2023

New – Euelbräu Porter Baltic Style - our beer for the cold season

How boring would the year be without seasons? It's the same with beer. Some types of beer are particularly popular at certain times of the year, because the character of the beer specialty then matches the season perfectly. That's why we brew our Euelbräu Porter Baltic Style.

Strong in Taste. Easy to Drink.

When the days get darker, the beer can also be stronger. That's why we brew - only once a year - our dark beer specialty Euelbräu Porter Baltic Style - a dark, malty, bottom-fermented beer with aromatic, fruity notes and the typical stout roast flavours, easy-to-drink even at 6.2 Vol.% Alc. We store it for 3 months so that the aromes can fully develop.

Baltic Style Porter goes Switzerland

The Baltic Porter has historically developed as a bottom-fermented variant of the English Porter in the Baltic States.  Our brewer Jürg Weibel had been looking for a dark, strong beer specialty for Euelbräu for a long time and with the Porter Baltic Style "it clicked".

A Match in Heaven

Dark, full-boddied bears like the Porter Baltic Style go perfectly with hearty dishes, such as roasts, grilled or smoked meats and spicy dishes. Therefore, a dark beer like ours should not be missing from any autumn and winter menu.