Cheminée Chats

Hotelière: AI - the end of hospitality?

Panel discussion: Are artificial intelligence (AI) and robots displacing the most important factor, the human element, from the hospitality industry? A discussion on the ambitions, necessities and risks of AI.

Responsible for this programme highlight: Hotelière

Speakers (4)

Roland Gasche

Roland Gasche

President Association of Certified Hoteliers VDH

Tim Moitzi

Tim Moitzi

Managing Director beim Campus Hotel Hertenstein & Neuro Campus Hotel DAS MORGEN

Thomas Holenstein

Thomas Holenstein

CEO Precom Group AG (Sebotics)

Dr. phil. Hilmar Gernet

Dr. phil. Hilmar Gernet

Moderation und Chefredaktor «Hotelière»

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