Speakers Corner

Plant-Based Egg Alternatives for Professionals - simple, easy, and delicious

Innovative and sustainable Recipes with EggField. We introduce you to our new plant-based egg alternatives and provide you with background information, as well as tips and tricks from the plant-based kitchen for your business. Free, new recipes for restaurateurs, bakeries, and processors included.

The production of animal products such as meat, milk, and eggs significantly contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions. For processed eggs, the startup EggField has developed sustainable and natural alternatives made from plant-based proteins and starches, minimizing environmental impacts and causing no harm to animals. This allows manufacturers and restaurateurs to transition existing recipes to a plant-based foundation and offer delicious, climate-friendly dishes. This appeals to both flexitarian and vegan clientele.

The startup has already attracted several renowned gastronomy and food processing establishments. Restaurants like HILTL, Tibits, and the Zurich Michelin-starred restaurant KLE use EggField for a part of their offerings. Moreover, an increasing number of innovative bakeries, cafes, and cocktail bars are also adopting EggField products.

Speakers (2)

Silvan Leibacher

Silvan Leibacher

CEO & Co-Founder

Olivier Naef

Olivier Naef

Sales Manager