Product Igeho 2023

Appenzell regional marketing as a guest at IGEHO 2023

Appenzell Regional Marketing will be a guest at this year's IGEHO in Basel together with the long-standing exhibitors. There will be a large festival restaurant and various culinary specialties on offer. Culture and customs also play a major role in the presentation.

Appenzell presents itself with an inviting festival restaurant together with its major partners Goba, Appenzeller Bier and Appenzeller Alpenbitter at the two locations 1.1 / F050 and F052 respectively. The entire guest appearance invites you to linger.

Typical Appenzell dishes such as "Chääsmagerone mit Südwooscht ond Epfelmues" will be served in the "Appenzeller Stube" restaurant.

Appenzeller Regionalmarketing also presents other Appenzeller specialties to discover and enjoy, such as the beaver from Bischofberger AG or delicacies like "Landsgmeendschrempfli" and "Berewegge". 

Traditional music is just as deeply rooted in Appenzellerland as the culinary delights. The Alpsteebuebe band, Trio Appenzell Ost and the Warthbuebe band provide the perfect musical backdrop.