
It's a beef steak

First application for approval to sell cell-cultured meat in Europe. The food tech company Aleph Farms from Israel announced in the summer of 2023 it had applied for approval to sell cultured meat in Switzerland.

Aleph Farms, a food tech company based in Israel, announced in late July 2023 that it has applied to sell the world's first cell-cultured beef steaks in Switzerland. Mathilde Alexandre, corporate and institutional engagement manager at ProVeg International, calls the move "extremely encouraging". "The application for approval shows that cellular agriculture is rapidly evolving and moving closer to commercialisation," she says. The month before, US regulators approved two companies to sell cell-cultured chicken in restaurants.

Protection of resources

"For cell-cultured meat to help drive the transformation of our food system, European countries must actively encourage further regulatory applications. The Netherlands has already taken a step in the right direction," Alexandre continues. According to ProVeg, the Dutch government passed an agreement at the end of July to allow pre-market tastings of cell-cultured foods.
Using renewable energy, cell-cultured beef could reduce CO2 emissions by an estimated 92 percent compared to conventionally produced products, she said. Land requirements would be reduced by about 95 per cent, and water requirements by about 78 per cent.

Christian Blüml, editor in chief FF FUTURE FOODS