Product Igeho 2023

Iced tea concentrates for home-made iced tea

Agrano launches “Üse Iistee”– a ready-to-use, freshly brewed iced tea concentrate for a refreshing and natural taste experience just like you’d make at home. A genuine classic, made in Switzerland.

With its delicious taste and natural ingredients, free from preservatives and colours, the iced tea is also easy to make and produces a high yield – one 3-litre box of liquid concentrate provides 100 300-ml iced teas for sale. The iced tea concentrate also has many more outstanding properties. It can be stored without refrigeration even after opening, is easy to dispense thanks to the tap, and is extremely soluble with no lumps, space-saving and environmentally friendly thanks to its optimized packaging.

Agrano is presenting three great varieties at Igeho: hibiscus, lemon and ginger. Why not drop in and taste the refreshing, natural iced teas? The next summer is sure to come around.