Gastrofacts - nachhaltig gastfreundlich

Short description

Gastrofacts nachhaltig gastfreundlich is the first sustainable trade magazine in the hospitality industry. The magazine - printed and as e-paper - as well as the knowledge portal report on people, companies and products in the areas of gastronomy, hotels as well as homes and hospitals


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About us

Gastrofacts nachhaltig gastfreundlich is the first sustainable trade magazine in the hospitality industry. The magazine - printed and as e-paper - as well as the knowledge portal report on people, companies and products in the areas of gastronomy, hotels as well as homes and hospitals. Sustainability is the central theme. Thanks to the practical Einkaufsguide in the magazine and on the online portal, sustainable decision-makers can find products and offers in the areas of food, beverages, non-food, equipment, network and services.

In the Gastrofacts show kitchen, exclusive partners from the industry impart clever tricks and tips with sustainable products and cooking techniques. All shows and interviews can be viewed at any time on the YouTube channel.

Vorteilswelt on offers restaurateurs and hotel operators sustainable products at particularly fair rates. With the Newsletter, Gastrofacts provides regular information on trends, events and innovations that move the industry and advance sustainability.

Gastrofacts sustainable gastronomy, gastro-tip, hotel-tip and the energiejournal are served by KA BOOM media. KA BOOM media is part of the KA BOOM communications agency, the largest full-service agency in eastern Switzerland, based in Gossau (Switzerland) and Verona (Italy).