Cheminée Chats

Gastrofacts: A new way of understanding dishes

The requirements for a "new" dish today are much higher than one might think at first glance. CO2 footprint, taste, new food, trends – lots of inputs for the kitchen. But how can you do them justice?

Climate à la carte: In gastronomy, more and more guests are making their choice in a climate-conscious manner. The food service industry has long recognized this. Axel Dröge from Hilcona Foodservice reveals the insights to the Climate Score project, which was developed together with Manuel Klarmann from Eaternity. He advises the gastronomy on how to not only identify the footprint of the individual dishes, but also positively change them. Sensible, not only in community gastronomy, but also for public gastronomy. But how can you still satisfy the desire for culinary pleasure? Philipp Christen from Compass Group Schweiz AG knows this, and Isabelle Castagna, who co-leads the Sustainable Gastronomy Project at ETH Zurich, which was launched in 2022, will provide great details. Andrin Willi moderate the discussion.

Responsible for this programme highlight: Gastrofacts - nachhaltig gastfreundlich

Speakers (5)

Manuel Klarmann

Manuel Klarmann

Founder and Managing Director, Eaternity

Isabelle Castagna

Isabelle Castagna

ETH Zurich, Project Management Sustainability

Axel Dröge

Axel Dröge

Manager Concept Development, Hilcona Foodservice

Philipp Christen

Philipp Christen

Regional Manager Compass Group Switzerland AG

Andrin Willi

Andrin Willi

Host, Epicurean Consultant and Content Creator